Episode 177 - John Holl has a new book—Drink Beer, Think Beer

Episode 177 - John Holl has a new book—Drink Beer, Think Beer

Episode 177 - John Holl has a new book—Drink Beer, Think Beer
Steal This Beer

Just like the television of our youth, this week is a Very Special Episode. Chalk it up to shameless self promotion, a deep desire to sell book, or just give Augie a chance to talk over another guest without John getting in the way, this week we put Holl in the hot seat to talk about his forthcoming book "Drink Beer, Think Beer: Getting to the Bottom of Every Pint." Tune in here to hear all about it and be sure to order your copy online or wherever quality books are sold. Let us know what you think!

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Co-hosts: Augie Carton & John Holl  Producer: Justin Kennedy  Engineer: Brian Casse  Music: "Abstract Concepts - What Up in the Streets" by Black Ant.
