Episode 296 - Mike Messenie, Dutchess Ales

Episode 296 - Mike Messenie, Dutchess Ales

Episode 296 - Mike Messenie, Dutchess Ales
Steal This Beer

Happy Monday, Thieves! One of the things we miss most about going to bars is the opportunity to drink cask ales. We miss it even more after our recent conversation with Mike Messenie of Dutchess Ales, a small brewery from Wassaic, NY that crafts some of the most subtle and delightful cask ales we've had in years. Though Dutchess has recently shifted to contract brewing a variety of different styles at locations in Brooklyn and on Long Island, we discuss our mutual love for traditional real ale and talk about what drives Mike to make beers that are considered by many to be unfashionable. (Think: ESB, English-style pale ale, etc.). Our special guest, Brian Altschul, also joins us and tastes along in the black glasses. Tune in and let us know what you think!   


As always, you can email your questions, complaints, whimpers, or whines to us at stealthisbeerpodcast@gmail.com. We read everything we get and we'll try to respond as quickly as we can. If not online, then on air. And THANKS! You can subscribe to STB on iTunes and PLEASE LEAVE US A REVIEW!!! Co-hosts: Augie Carton & John Holl Producer: Justin Kennedy Engineer: Brian Casse Music: "Abstract Concepts - What Up in the Streets" by Black Ant.
